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1. Assign the floating ip to your droplet
2. goto vestacp > IP > 10.15.xx.xx (Anchor IP) > assign the F-IP on 'NAT ip association' field
3. Now you could see the F-IP as one of the server's ip on the domain's IP dropdown list & choose that as your domain's ip address. This will set all your DNS/SPF/ entries to be follow the F-IP for allways. You may need to regenerate your SSL certs (if failed) and WHMCS if any.
4. Now onwards all your domains can pointing to F-IP as 'A' records.
5. Now you can migrate your web file vestacp backups to any new droplet with re-assigning of the F-ip. ( as load balancing server)
If droplet's ip changed in future :
1. First thing is, make your vestacp all services running well with apach2 & nginx new droplet's ip.
2. then follow the above step (re-assign the floating ip into new droplet)
3. this method will retian your existing domains A records un-changed.
If using WHMCS + Floating IP :
Goto WHMCS > general settings >Security>
1. Trusted Proxies > droplet server's IP, Floating ip & Anchor IP (eg:
2. if above not works, Proxy IP Header > X_REAL_IP
Now you could see the client's IP correctly
What is floating ip ?
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